Monday, March 10, 2014

Bangin' in Baltimore


For those of you who have no idea, I used to have bangs, and then I didn't. And now I have them again. So that's why they're back.

This is a totally gratuitous selfie, because it makes me look way more model-esque than I do in real life, but I can't help being proud of getting the lighting and the angle just right (no filter!).

This past weekend was my birthday weekend, and Bryan's folks came in town to hang out, which worked out great because he and I got to have a nice long date night since grandparents are the cheapest, most willing of babysitters.

While they were here, we spent Saturday at the Baltimore Aquarium, which we've been talking about doing literally since before we were married. We figured "Carpe Diem!" because if we waited until after baby #2 arrived, it probably wouldn't happen for another two years.

Check out the slideshow! (courtesy of the Disney Story app)

You guys, I forgot how much the third trimester B-L-O-W-S. Technically I am still a week away from that milestone, yet here I am, huge, and hugely uncomfortable to boot. I cannot, I CANNOT BELIEVE I still have FIFTEEN MORE WEEKS OF THIS BALONEY. Last night I was actually kept awake because I was being kicked in the pubic bone. I'm pretty sure babies have no business dropping that low until, oh, WEEK THIRTY-FIVE or so. Someone please tell this baby (s)he is approximately TEN WEEKS ahead of him/herself.

The only plus (and I have to admit, it's a pretty good one), is that I can feel so much more movement - lots of little feet and hands and elbows and knees (well actually, just two of each, ideally) serving as a blessed reminder that all this is leading up to someone truly spectacular.

I'm short but sweet tonight, folks, just like my trendy new bangs. Tune in next week to find out what other shenanigans we're getting into here at Rosenthal Central!

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